What would your Coaching Experience look and feel like?

I will work with you through an approach that will enhance the quality of your life and the lives of those around you!

Imagine creating a method for identifying who you really are and who you choose to be.

Adapted from iPEC Coaching

Imagine experiencing a transformation that can eliminate your inner blocks, identify core beliefs that hold you back and help you consciously redesign those beliefs that will support you as you work toward your full potential.

Adapted from iPEC Coaching

  • Imagine creating the capability to consciously recognize how you are reacting or responding to your life’s circumstances, especially when you’re under pressure in the most challenging moments and know you can confidently choose how you want to act.

    Adapted from iPEC Coaching

    What you want is achievable ...

    Find out more by working with me

    • How you experience life is dependent on the lenses or perspectives through which you view your world.
    • You look at the world through 7 different energetic lenses that form your perspectives.
    • How you look at any situation in your life either  creates stress for you or not.
    • By understanding the way you look at the world and your situations, you will gain great insights into  how you can choose to live!
    • By shifting your ‘energetic lenses of awareness’, you develop a different view of the same situation to a perspective that is more supportive of the life you desire!

                    Adapted from iPEC Coaching 

    Your thoughts, feelings and actions can either set you up for success or hold you back.

    Your thoughts and judgments around situations are related to your belief system, values and every influencer in your lives. These thoughts are related to the feelings you experience and as a result, the way you react or respond. If you believe you are powerful, creative and capable, you might feel confident and peaceful. As a result, you are more likely to take on challenges to stretch yourself. And the same is true otherwise. In order to sustain success, the first is to recognize the thoughts and feelings that get in your way and explore the impact they have on your situations.

    Adapted from iPEC Coaching




    Imagine creating and having the ability to see opportunities when others see problems, and to see what’s right, instead of what’s wrong.

    If this is true, let's connect!

    Explore and Understand

    your inner motivations, strengths and how you are showing up

    energetically in all aspects of your life with these assessments.

    We will both explore the most effective assessment option for you. Each takes approximately 15-20mins to complete. They include customized reports and personal one-hour debriefs.

    Helps you identify how you show up each and every day, as well as how you react  when under stress.

    Helps you understand  how your talents work with others.

    Measures your emotional intelligence and how you impact people around you.

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